We are proud to offer a Sexual Health & Shanti Ambassador program to local high schools and colleges in order to inform students and faculty about HIV/AIDS and meet the California Healthy Youth Act (AB – 329).
Sexual education is imperative to the formation of informed health choices and is a key means of overall STD and HIV prevention from both an individual and public health standpoint. The two-part presentation includes a discussion led by our Sexual Health Educator and a presentation by a Shanti Ambassador. These ambassadors are individuals living with HIV/AIDS that share their personal experiences and provide a unique perspective into what it is like living with HIV/AIDS. In the past, these testimonies have been very impactful to students and faculty alike, giving a face to the disease, and breaking the stigma and prejudices associated with HIV/AIDS.
Student reactions:
“I thought the guest speakers that came into our class were phenomenal. They really took us into their personal lives to give us a better insight as to what it feels like to be HIV positive and even how they got it. While the male speaker made it quite funny, he really got serious when he needed to be. They were both very interesting and told us ways of prevention, what to look out for, and the daily struggles they deal with.”
“I found this presentation extremely informative. I enjoyed listening to the two speakers and finding out more about AIDS/HIV through a real person who is experiencing AIDS first hand. The main speaker was upbeat, positive, informative, and just an overall great presenter. I enjoyed the fact that he wasn’t afraid or uncomfortable with sharing his story nor was he shy about answering more personal questions. He established a safe environment for us to ask any question we might have had for him, his personal life, and his own battle with this disease.”