We want you to succeed – medically and personally.
Case Management is all about increasing the quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS. Our empathetic, non- judgmental staff is here to help those living with HIV/AIDS navigate their healthcare in dealing with their disease and treatment. Our purpose is to help identify an individual’s particular needs by developing a personal care plan to ensure success.
Our Case Management team provides
referrals and linkage to:
- Medical and dental care
- Specialty pharmaceutical care
- Housing options
- Benefits counseling – insurance, long-term financial assistance programs
- Emergency financial assistance
- Nutrition options – home delivered meals, food pantry
- HIV/STD testing resources
- Mental health counseling (individual and group therapy)
- “Navigating the Journey” – a Shanti program
Coordinación de servicios disponibles en Español
Coordinación de servicios disponible para ayudar a personas viviendo con VIH/SIDA en el condado de Orange a conseguir atención médica y servicios de apoyo, al igual que información sobre oportunidades de vivienda, tratamiento de salud mental y nutrición.
For questions or to schedule an appointment please call 949-452-0888 or email casemanagement@shantioc.org.